Thursday, 19 September 2013

Day 5: The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells

Hey kittens, it's day five on the island. We've got 95 more to go. But on the fifth day of the week, as the office cats will know, it's the start of the weekend! And that is reason enough to celebrate. (What is my lyf lyk)

Todays book choice was from a pal who has just finished reading the above. My first question is: was this book made into a blockbuster? It's seemingly familiar and I'm sorry if you're yelling at the screen, "yes you uncultured alley-cat," sorry not sorry.

I like texture in a book. Not as a metaphor for content pfft but physical texture. For example: a book about the various farm animals that mimics their fur through coloured felt and cotton and such. Now that, my litter, is a textured book. This looks textured.

Let's chat about the colour. I had to resort to Resene for some help deciphering this shade of pink. Pink, would you say? And they came back with: Resene Material Girl; Resene Deep Blush; Resene Bedazzle; and Resene Trendy Pink, which in actuality I would say is more of a purple of sorts. Nevertheless the colour is carpet from the 1940's I wish to not walk on, please and thank you.

The invisible man on the front looks visible. What would have been better is a polar beer in a snowstorm, his eyes as beautiful and striking as Resene Elvis. Did you know although the polar beer has white fur, their skin is black?

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